Rotten Tomatoes Reviews of “Avengers: Endgame” or Thoughts You Had After Sex?
Absolutely fantastic, although there were some pacing issues in the beginning. I laughed, cried and experienced everything in-between.
Absolutely fantastic, although there were some pacing issues in the beginning. I laughed, cried and experienced everything in-between.
Garrett P. is from Birmingham and looking for love. Dan R. is from Birmingham and does not care that there is less than 25% support for banning abortion.
Jesus, Herod, Judas, and John the Baptist were the One Direction of the Roman Empire, with their feuds, alliances and grooming choices.
"Sure, there’s a lot of hype around this, but I trust that he created something that beats that hype, and scares the ever living shit out of us."
2. At your nephew’s bar mitzvah, Rupert “reluctantly” agrees to sing “Escape (the Piña Colada Song)” for the guests. What describes what happens next:
Your client wants to suck the bone marrow out of your firstborn. What do you do? A. Respectfully ask that he reconsiders.
‘Twas I who revived your battle-weary body with the healing milk of the tri-horned bison!
The Super Bowl is on the horizon, or so you've been told, and it seems to have importance. Should you sit through this tradition?
Mere moments after meeting her, she begins choking violently. A quick Heimlich produces an unsettling amount of used condoms. YES / NO
A 10-question quiz to reveal your Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Disappearance Theorist identity Are you the Pilot Suicide, the Catastrophic Failure, or something else?
Think you rank with the best of the best, most hardcore college students? Not so fast cowboy, you have to take this quiz first.