Frequently Asked Questions About Our Fragile Democracy
What does democracy look like? This is what democracy looks like: it’s kind of pear-shaped.
What does democracy look like? This is what democracy looks like: it’s kind of pear-shaped.
Q. What is Facebook? A. It’s a great place for people to connect with others who are also lonely in the suburbs.
Q. Should I worry about the fact that people keep disappearing after using the elevator? A. I wouldn't.
I always misplace the Post-it where you jotted down my password, leading me to wildly click around until something happens.
Q: Your website says that you’re size inclusive, but you only go up to size L. Are you out of stock of larger sizes?
Look: I’m white. I’m a man. My home and backyard are filled with dangerous worker bees that produce honey for me. It’s not that unusual.
The grocery store is like a math classroom come to life. This fact is true even as the global food supply chain crumbles.
Can you see this? Yes, of course. What is it? A banana. No, I mean, like, what color is it? Yellow.
Q. Can I safely bring an unpeeled potato into a sporting event? A. Security will likely be using metal & potato detectors. It will be confiscated.
Q: Do members have to kill to show how committed they are? A: Our initiation ritual is to show everyone in the gang your Internet search history.
Playing outdoors can also be fun, but make sure to avoid unsafe areas like large bodies of water or ancient burial grounds.
Does this mean Santa's Workshop will close? Santa's Workshop will live on as a digital storefront competing with hundreds of counterfeiters.