Happy New Year from Murder Hornets, LLC!
2020 was one of the most exciting years in hornet history, as we continued our westward expansion into North America.
2020 was one of the most exciting years in hornet history, as we continued our westward expansion into North America.
An infuriating but addicting premise, "Emily in Hot Water" chronicles the Atlantic Ocean’s journey to temperatures not seen in at least 2,900 years.
When he is not hauling freight, Thomas will lock himself inside of The Big Station and think about the damage he has done to our planet.
Listen to your yelp as you touch my hot leather seats. Feel the burn, baby. I can feel the panic rising in your breath.
Enjoys pretending to teeter on the brink of breakdown to gain physical and emotional labor from loved ones.
It may seem like the only offshore things he cares about are drilling and banking, but remember, you are a strong, sexy, SENTIENT storm.
You must create a class that can be started online, moved to in-person, then back online, all simultaneously. You have the weekend to figure it out.
Our great nation was built on the backs of people just like me: MBAs who got their jobs through their dad’s business connections.
What does your child do for fun? A) Mescaline. B) Sits quietly while parents read NYT Cooking section. C) Derives enjoyment from pleasing others.
Any stick that has touched a rotting carcass or been rotting carcass-adjacent must become part of the permanent collection immediately.
Turn off all the lights except for a flickery one, and point at it and say, “Is that the North Star?” Then sleep on the kitchen floor.
If there’s not enough pollution in the air to do serious damage to your lungs, doctors will suddenly find themselves out of work.