Congressional Valentines Sure to Break Through the Divisiveness
- Let’s form our own special select committee - Please be my Majority Whip - We should move forward with a discharge petition
Tom Navratil is passionate about keeping his bio up to date. Contributor to Points in Case, Weekly Humorist, Slackjaw, Jane Austen's Wastebasket, Little Old Lady Comedy, Humor Darling, Greener Pastures, The Haven, MuddyUm, Doctor Funny, and The Daily Drunk.
- Let’s form our own special select committee - Please be my Majority Whip - We should move forward with a discharge petition
The residences you’ll pass along the way, while not precisely identical, are nonetheless completely indistinguishable.
- Pulling on a hoodie and sneaking over to my neighbors’ garage. - Groping around in the dark where they stack their old paint cans.
Clip a small dumbbell to each middle finger and do three sets of 50 reps while reaching up and out with your arms.
Scam alert: A salon sold me a pricey shampoo for thinning hair, which has only made it thicker.