A Day in the Life of a Viking Kindergarten Teacher
The more advanced students write basic sentences in their workbooks: “The—dog—says—woof” and “The—villager—screams—aarrrrrgggghhh!”
The more advanced students write basic sentences in their workbooks: “The—dog—says—woof” and “The—villager—screams—aarrrrrgggghhh!”
The grocery store is like a math classroom come to life. This fact is true even as the global food supply chain crumbles.
Did General Pacey Witter win the battle of Dawson's Creek? Test your knowledge of these intense engagements!
These two American staples have a lot in common: trials, tribulation, love, even amputation. How many will you get right?
I sent him away, I had to, I can’t surrender my castle to every triple thicc hottie that rides up here. We’d wait it out.
Our patented "Mega Explosion" technology will detonate into the shape of the Union Jack, then a middle finger, followed by the word “America.”
When IHOP changed its name to IHOB for like 2 weeks. Was it stupid? Was it as stupid as 11 states fighting to maintain the right to own human beings?
Banners will fly, in all major cities, bearing my image and a few of my most famous words. There are so many.
Linked directly to Climate Change, immigration is. Displaced by imperialist wars like your culture, many orphans have.
Franklin will use demonstrations, like his “Star Wars figures on a basketball,” to show what would happen if you put humans on a spinning sphere.
Before coffee, I’m, like, a zombie feeding on its own, like… brains or whatever, and struggling to complete straightforward zombie analogies.
I am simply part of the gym’s existence, like the water fountain and the ambient hip-hop music piped in through invisible speakers.